马文・卡尔森 (Marvin Carlson)


马文·卡尔森 (Marvin Carlson)

      世界著名戏剧学与表演学教授、比较文学和中东研究教授、纽约市立大学研究生院S.E Cohen教授,戏剧学博士专业系主任、康奈尔大学戏剧系前主任。其研究和教学领域包括戏剧学与表演学理论、世界戏剧史和戏剧与表演研究,《西方戏剧和阿拉伯戏剧》学刊的创刊主编。自六十年代以来,共有三十余种学术专著和三百多篇学术论文问世。其著作多次获奖并被译为十四种语言,著名的获奖著作有《戏剧理论》(1993)、《鬼魂出没的舞台》(2001)、《表演批评》(2002)《世界戏剧导论》(2014)等。最新著作《击碎哈姆雷特之镜:戏剧与现实》(2016)他还兼任华盛顿大学教授、印第安那大学高级研究员、柏林自由大学客座教授等职。
Marvin Carlson is the Sidney E. Cohn Professor of Theatre and Performance, Comparative Literature and Middle Eastern Studies at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York.  He has received an honorary doctorate from the University of Athens, the ATHE Career Achievement Award, the ASTR Distinguished Scholarship Award, the George Jean Nathan Award for Dramatic Criticism, and the Calloway Prize for writing in theatre.  He is the founding editor of the journals Western European Stages and Arab Stages.  He is the author of about thirty books, most renowned of which include Theories of the Theatre (1993) , The Haunted Stage(2001),  Criticism of Performing (2002), VIS: Theatre (2014),  the most recent of which is Shattering Hamlet’s Mirror (Michigan, 2016) and of over 300 scholarly articles.  His work has been translated into fourteen languages. He is the also the Lecture Professor at Washington University, University of Indiana, Free University Berlin,etc.

